duminică, 31 martie 2019

I walked in an Underground Fashion Show.

https://bit.ly/2UsmECo Enter to see the secret sale page at SvMoscow.
(PRAGUE VLOG) I had the pleasure of walking in Jakub Ra x MYDEARCLOTHING for Jaegermeister's fashion show with New Aliens Agency. it was quite the experience. New Aliens Agency: https://www.instagram.com/newaliensagency_/?hl=en Official Art of Hunt Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E40d5j71qk ✨🌹✨ https://www.patreon.com/pierreXO https://www.paypal.me/pierrexo ✨ https://www.instagram.com/antidagger https://www.pierreXO.com ✨🌹✨ GROUP CHAT https://aminoapps.com/c/pierrexo/info/ App: Amino Name: pierreXO No invite code needed. "Request to join" ✨ ttdeye.com 10% off code: ANTIDAGGER ✨ animation: Ana Iutes https://www.instagram.com/anaiutes/ ___ LIVESTREAMS every Sunday. 7pm CET 10am PST

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