sâmbătă, 21 noiembrie 2015

Illustrator to InDesign

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http://tinyurl.com/qb724d7 On the link there is a special offer: 10% discount for Markzware products. Till Christmas 10% discount code. Illustrator to InDesign. How to convert Adobe Illustrator files into InDesign, natively, with live fonts active and editable? Use Markzware's PDF2DTP. Watch how easy it is to open an Illustrator file as a NEW Adobe InDesign .INDD file. AI to INDD with a click! Get full vector elements, lines, graphs, fonts, you name it, right from Illustrator into InDesign on the Mac! PDF2DTP (PDF to InDesign and also with Illustrator to InDesign built in) from Markzware: Adobe Illustrator to InDesign CC, CS6 or even lower CS versions is all possible. Illustrator to InDesign with a click! Hi. David Dilling from Markzware. Today, we're going to show you how you can get Adobe Illustrator files right into Adobe InDesign, natively, so you could edit what you like. Many will know Markzware's PDF2DTP, which you see now up top in InDesign, under the Markzware menu item, for it's ability to convert PDF files right into Adobe InDesign. This will convert any PDF file. It doesn't matter where it really came from, in most cases. It could come from a CAD program. It could come from QuarkXPress, FrameMaker, PageMaker, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. It doesn't really matter, even a web page has been created into a PDF. Markzware's PDF2DTP will convert PDF files. Just click on a PDF you want to convert. You click Open, and it starts converting that PDF right into InDesign, with full layers, photos, pictures, graphics, stylization, you name it. And there you see it, a wonderful full conversion. However, many people may not realize that Markzware's PDF2DTP can also convert, natively, Adobe Illustrator files. For instance, here we have a file with live text, meaning I can, you know, edit this text. It's not converted to outlines. And, of course, we can copy and paste this into InDesign, but then you lose the live fonts. So, for instance, we go like this. And we go into InDesign CC. We make a new file and we paste it in there. What you see is that the font selection… So, you see the fonts are now converted to outline, and that's not what we want. We want actual live fonts. We want all the lines, and layers, and vector graphics right on over, natively, in InDesign. So, let's get out of Illustrator here. Let's go back into InDesign and show you how easy that is. You just go Markzware-PDF2DTP-Convert PDF File and you choose the one on the Desktop we just had open. You click that .ai file. You get a host of options. By the way, tinkering with some of these can help conversion. I keep Substitute Missing Fonts off, because that can sort of mess up the layout sometimes. We click OK. Now, the conversion begins, and we're converting that Illustrator file, saving a job folder on the Desktop, natively, right into Adobe InDesign. There you go. And look at that! We now have live fonts. That means we can actually go in here and delete these fonts, or edit these fonts, as liked, and adjust matters, because we've not created to outline. Outline fonts, like here down below, become all boxed up, like this. So, then, in effect, you can't actually edit the fonts. You can go into each individual object and you can stretch them and adjust them, but you can't actually edit them any longer. That's Markzware's PDF2DTP for Illustrator to InDesign, converting your Adobe Illustrator artwork right into Adobe InDesign CC or CS6, it's all possible, and we even have older versions. And if you cruise on over to and you'll see, on our main home page here, we have many products to offer graphic designers, publishers, prepress operators, alike. And under Products, you'll see PDF2DTP. If you click there, you'll get full information on this already multi-award-winning plug-in to convert your PDF files right into InDesign, but it will also convert your Adobe Illustrator files into InDesign with a click. Markzware's PDF2DTP, check it out today. This has been David Dilling from Markzware, wishing you a fantastic day! For more info, see:

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