vineri, 26 februarie 2016

PRP Hair Loss Treatment is Done Monthly, but a PRP Combination Treatment is Only Done Once Secret discount: 20% off when you order from Regenepure
More Hair Regeneration ACell+PRP results: For more about Dr. Prasad's training and background, please go to: Someone asks a basic but important question about hair loss treatment - why do platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections need to be done so frequently? This person also asks if getting PRP injections so often is actually effective as it does is done multiple times during the hair growth cycle, and if it is cost-effective when done so often. New York hair restoration specialist Amiya Prasad, M.D. reviews this question in this video, and explains how a PRP combination treatment only needs to be done once for far superior results than PRP alone: 1:20 - Dr. Prasad's board-certification, experience with hair transplants, and the founding of TrichoStem® Hair Regeneration Centers for non-surgical hair loss treatment 1:52 - Dr. Prasad's experience with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) outside of hair loss treatment, such as skin rejuvenation and scar treatment 2:08 - Why doctors who use PRP for hair loss are doing their best to help hair loss patients 2:34 - How Dr. Prasad combines PRP with extracellular matrix for hair loss treatment, which he first discovered when healing hair transplant incisions and survival of transplanted hair 2:56 - Dr. Prasad's discovery of how extracellular matrix made thinning hair become thicker. 3:01 - The method and results of Hair Regeneration, which is PRP and extracellular matrix 3:20 - Why PRP only helps short-term hair growth, which is why it is done so often, and if treatment stops, hair stops growing 3:44 - Experience of Dr. Prasad's patients who had PRP hair loss injections done elsewhere who had it done every month 3:56 - How the Hair Regeneration treatment can stop hair loss, thicken hair, and restart the hair growth cycle with only one treatment 4:25 - How the Hair Regeneration treatment has been successful for over 99% of male patients, and over 90% of female patients 4:55 - PRP alone cannot sustain hair growth or stop hair loss, and is comparable with minoxidil 5:25 - The sustainability of Hair Regeneration for stopping hair loss and thickening hair 6:00 - Hair Regeneration can require a second treatment in the second year for patients with very advanced hair loss 6:15 - The Hair Regeneration treatment should be done sooner rather than later for best results, with thin hair but still dense being ideal time for treatment 6:32 - Treatment age range of Hair Regeneration 6:45 - How the Hair Regeneration treatment has bridged the gap of finasteride, minoxidil, hair transplants, and PRP alone CONNECT WITH US! Facebook ▸▸▸ Twitter ▸▸▸ Tumblr ▸▸▸ Pinterest ▸▸▸ Prasad Cosmetic Surgery ▸▸▸ New York Hair Loss ▸▸▸

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