miercuri, 1 martie 2017

How to reset your Mac's Administator Password! (Without a CD)

http://bit.do/deH3T Secret sale page at TerraPrivacy.
Ever forgot your password to your Mac? Well here's a solution! Materials Needed: - A Mac Running Mac OS X Snow Leopard Now it should go to a screen in which you can create a new admin account! Note: IF YOU ARE ON LION, THIS METHOD DOES NOT WORK, HOWEVER THIS ONE DOES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvfrnbVdbLw IF YOU ARE ON SNOW LEOPARD OR BELOW, THE METHOD IN THE VIDEO WORKS PERFECTLY! Instructions for everyone not on Lion: 1. Shut down your computer 2. Turn on your computer while pressing Command+S 3. You will see command line. Do not be worried. 4. Type in /sbin/mount -uw / 5. Type in launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Apple.DirectoryServices.plist 6. Type in dscl . -passwd /Users/username password 7. Replace username with the Account Holder's First Name and Password with the password you want it to be. 8. Type in exit. 9. At the log on screen go ahead and log on with your new password 10. WooHoo! You've just recovered your administrator password. Just post a comment and/or subscribe or message me on how it went! Have any questions? Comment or Send me a note! I am not responsible for what you will use these instructions for. Please use this for good and ONLY on computers you are authorized to use. Again, I am not responsible for what happens.

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