vineri, 31 martie 2017

Dr. Hauser Educational Video about Ehlers-Danlos Snydrome and Prolotherapy Part 2 Enter the secret sale page at MedicoNotes.
Für deutsche Untertitel: Klickt auf das Rad, Subtitel Deutsch, dann links neben dem Rad auf CC klicken und die Untertitel sollten erscheinen. This channel is for all people who are suffering from Ehlers Danlos syndrome or/and cervical instabilities. I want to raise awareness for our diseases and change something in Germany to the better. I would like to show that this is a worldwide problem. Enjoy the videos and contact me if you have any question. My website: Thanks for your support Karina Disclaimer: Recently, I started to offer new educational videos, doctors that are speaking about various disease related topics, on YouTube. As I already mentioned on my website concerning all my medical information, the youtube Videos are not to be seen as medical advice! These doctors are talking about their personal opinion or experience and it is each patients responsibility to seek immediate medical attention if health issues arise. These videos do NOT replace medical advise and are for information purposes only. With medical problems please see your doctor. I am not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any information given and furthermore those videos represent the personal opinion of the speaker but not necessarily my own.

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