miercuri, 30 martie 2016


http://tidd.ly/4be76e82 Get the 20% promo code for what you buy at Govype
http://www.brailleskateboarding.com/shop CLICK ABOVE TO GET THE MOST DETAILED HOW-TO VIDEOS EVER MADE! SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE VOLUMES 1-6 AVAILABLE NOW! GET SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE ON iBOOKS!! https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/aa... GET SKATEBOARDING MADE SIMPLE ON GOOGLE PLAY! https://play.google.com/store/books/d... THUMBS UP FOR MORE TUTORIAL VIDEOS! I hope that you like my state of the art graphics for this video. They cost me a ton of cold hard cash to put up for you! I will be making some more tutorial videos for you all soon. I hope your doing well and I hope this video answered some questions for you that you may have about skateboard sponsorship. Follow the directions in this video to submit your videos for Skate Support- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpOb0i9bT1k ONLY .MOV, .MP4, or MPEG files accepted! If you guys need help with any trick visit this page (http://www.brailleskateboarding.com/skate-support/) and leave your questions and videos there. There are people who go through there every now and then and write back and help if they can. Thanks for your guys help and support and GET OUT AND SKATE! Please help me out by commenting, and subscribing it really really helps me out a lot! FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/BrailleSkateboarding GOOGLE +: https://plus.google.com/107594784940938640430 TWITTER: http://twitter.com/#!/BrailleSkate RSS SUBSCRIBE: http://brailleskateboarding.com/feed Thanks, Aaron Kyro

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