vineri, 2 iunie 2017

Bitdefender, un eveniment marca Perceptum Bitdefender secret sale page.
Evenimentul Bitdefender, conceput si organizat de Perceptum – Marketing Agency (, a avut in focus elementul pe care fiecare membru al audientei il avea in comun: tehnologia inovativa. Pentru a-i mentine captivati pe durata prezentarilor, pe scena au fost amplasate doua dispozitive de marketing hi-tech Gravity Lifter. Acestea au scos in evidenta logo-ul Bitdefender, tinandu-l in levitatie pe tot parcursul evenimentului, in timp ce informatia prezentata a fost redata pe un monitor led ce acoperea aproape in totalitate spatiul scenei. Bitdefender's Event - designed by Perceptum Bitdefender's event, designed and implemented by Perceptum – Marketing Agency (, was focused on the one element that each member of our audience had in common: innovative technology. In order to keep the audience engaged during the presentations, two hi-tech marketing devices, Gravity Lifter, were installed on the scene. They highlighted Bitdefender's logo by keeping it levitating throughout the entire event, while the information presented was reproduced on a large led display monitor.

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