sâmbătă, 22 octombrie 2016

New Vello Bike+ the Self-charging Electric Folding Bike

http://tinyurl.com/h94bnz9 Reliable electric bike
Like any good folding bike, the Bike+ fits in a car trunk or closet, but the fully folded, 21 x 28.3 x 9-in (53 x 72 x 23-cm) package is also compact enough to slide into a suitcase. The standard chromoly Vello weighs 26.4 lb (12 kg), which puts it in the conversation with lightweight e-bikes like the 26.5-lb (12-kg) Freygeist Classic and 25-lb Maxwell EP0, but not quite on par with something like the 21.6-lb (9.8-kg) BestiaNera Sport. But if some of Vello's crowdfunding stretch goals go off as hoped, it'll push into that bracket with 24-lb (10.9-kg) titanium and 21.8-lb (9.9-kg) carbon fiber Bike+ versions. (Vello, Kickstarter)

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