joi, 28 februarie 2019

Chewbacca Hoodie, Moccaccino, Size M | Mad Engine

Aside from making you look like a totally awesome wookiee from Kashyyyk, this Chewbacca Hoodie also keeps you warm, it might trick Han Solo into letting you hang out on the Millennium Falcon and it makes all the babes say, Will somebody get this big walking carpet out of my way? The hoodie does have a few drawbacks though. Trandoshans might want to hunt you, Imperial forces may try to do mean things to you and it doesn't actually give you the strength of a real wookiee, so despite feeling like you can rip a droids arms off, you probably won't be able to do that. All that is a small price to pay for looking like a wookiee in this sweet hoodie. Chewbacca Hoodie, Moccaccino, Size M | Mad Engine Discounted at only: US$ 69.99

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