vineri, 24 noiembrie 2017

I’ve got a SQL Database, Now What Secret sale page at EasyFrom.
So you are a developer or a systems admin and you've just been handed a SQL Server database and you've got no idea what to do with it. I've got some of the answers here in this session for you. During this session we will cover a variety of topics including backup and restore, recovery models, database maintenance, compression, data corruption, database compatibility levels and indexing. While this session won't teach you everything you need to know, it will give you some insights into the SQL Server database engine and give you the ability to better know what to look for. During this session Microsoft MVP and Certified Master Denny Cherry will give you the basic information that is needed to get that new SQL Server that you've just been told that you need to manage running and safe. After this session you will be armed with the basic information needed to know how to properly backup the database so that you can recover it after a failure. You will learn how to properly maintain the database so that it runs at peek performance, while using the least possible space. You will also learn how to look for, and correct database corruption problems. Speaker: Denny Cherry Hosted by Steve Cantrell of DBAFundamentals

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