sâmbătă, 30 ianuarie 2016

Yizhan X6 Tarantula Spare Battery Banggood.com

http://tinyurl.com/p5uq9sr Discounted RC GearBest gadgets up to 85%!
Yizhan X6 Tarantula Spare Battery Banggood.com First video with SJCAM SJ5000. Quite frankly the recording is good but the audio so real low. I tried t make this one short and sweet. I hope it dont sound too loud or to low. Its hard with the audio recording low in general, and I can't figure out whether theres a audio/mic volume control or not so I had to edit it in movie maker to bring the sound up. Pick this spare battery up from banggood.com below. http://www.banggood.com/YiZhan-Tarantula-X6-RC-Quadcopter-Spare-Parts-7_4V-1200mah-Battery-p-972203.html?p=NF16211506304201504W

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