joi, 3 decembrie 2015

UltraSentry - Digital Security Made Simple Use the link to get 35% discount on all UltraEdit products. Click the link to buy with a special promo code: 10% discount for UltraFinder from UltraEdit. Download a free trial here: Digital safety and identity theft are serious risks for anyone using a computer to store data. UltraSentry secures that data by locking and encrypting your most sensitive files and folders for maximum protection, and then securely deleting any old or unwanted data so that it is physically and forensically unrecoverable. For years, UltraSentry has been the ultimate file/folder military-grade secure deletion tool. UltraSentry 13 is a re-imagined personal security application designed to provide a complete solution for your data security. UltraSentry 13 includes the same powerful secure deletion functionality as previous versions while adding new features and functionality to secure your most sensitive digital information!

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