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I've recently had the opportunity to take a look at the new WinX DVD Ripper Platinum by Digiarty. This is a small footprint program that allows you to rips you DVD's to a digital format allowing you to play from a PC and other devices such as a Android tablet. If this is something you are looking for then please take a quick look at my run through.
marți, 31 ianuarie 2017
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Subscribe to the everyday dicker'dness... well with all the not showing up after giving him a job and not wanting to cut back on the beers and drinking and driving and not saying his lines and then he damn near kills himself because he doesnt listen and just went for it before anything was ready so we cant be having that nonsense going down out in old rutneys so ray is fired and will never be back to ol rutneys! thanks for watching! be sure to check out add me on facebook follow me on twitter get yer official 1puglife shwag at like 1puglife entertainment on facebook Subscribe to the dicker'dness...
Subscribe to the everyday dicker'dness... well with all the not showing up after giving him a job and not wanting to cut back on the beers and drinking and driving and not saying his lines and then he damn near kills himself because he doesnt listen and just went for it before anything was ready so we cant be having that nonsense going down out in old rutneys so ray is fired and will never be back to ol rutneys! thanks for watching! be sure to check out add me on facebook follow me on twitter get yer official 1puglife shwag at like 1puglife entertainment on facebook Subscribe to the dicker'dness...
Tom-Tom et Nana - Un dimanche d’enfer TomTom secret discount page
Pour la fête des pères, TomTom et Nana préparent le petit déjeuner pour leurs parents. Quelle surprise pour tout le monde. Abonne-toi à Tom-Tom et Nana pour ne rien rater des nouvelles aventures ! sur FACEBOOK : sur YOUTUBE : Tom-Tom – C'est le personnage principal : le grand frère. Petit garçon aux cheveux bruns, il est le premier à vouloir inventer les plus grosses bêtises. Plutôt aventurier, c'est un petit casse-cou qui se retrouve souvent dans de drôles de situations. Il aime bien commander son petit monde et tente de bien faire les choses... même si elles se finissent souvent mal! Nana – C'est l'autre personnage principal, la petite soeur. Elle a les cheveux tout blonds, toujours coiffés en couettes nouées avec des rubans. Elle semble être plus sage que son grand frère mais ce n'est qu'une illusion! Elle est très motivée pour suivre Tom-Tom dans ses délires... et sa bonne volonté lui joue des tours puisqu'elle se retrouve toujours dans les coups foireux! Marie-Lou – C'est la grande soeur de Tom-Tom et Nana. Ils sont persuadés qu'elle garde plein de secrets dans sa chambre et ils adorent essayer de les trouver! D'ailleurs, ils ont raison car Marie-Lou adore planquer les petits détails de SA vie derrière la porte de SA chambre. Elle est très coquette et n'aime pas du tout que Tom-Tom et Nana soient dans ses pattes quand elle prend soin d'elle! Adrien – C'est Monsieur Dubouchon, le patron du restaurant 'A la bonne fourchette' et le papa de Tom-Tom, Nana et Marie-Lou. Très bon cuisinier, il régale ses clients et tente de bien faire son travail, même quand ses enfants envahissent sa cuisine... ce qui entraîne régulièrement de grosses, de très grosses crises de colère. Pas facile de bien travailler avec des enfants aussi drôles que casse-pieds! Yvonne – C'est Madame Dubouchon, la patronne du restaurant 'A la bonne fourchette' et la maman de Tom-Tom, Nana et Marie-Lou. Elle est super-active et garde toujours la pêche! Elle connaît bien ses petits et n'hésite pas à les disputer quand ils l'ont mérité. En plus, elle devine souvent quand Tom-Tom et Nana sont en train de préparer un coup fourré! Rémi – C'est le meilleur ami, à la vie, à la mort de Tom-Tom. On le voit dans presque toutes les histoires, il participe beaucoup aux bêtises imaginées par Tom-Tom. Il se met en difficulté pour aider son copain. Mais, lui aussi fait preuve de beaucoup d'esprit quand il invente de nouvelles aventures incroyables, même s'il sait qu'ils vont se faire beaucoup disputer! Sophie – C'est la très bonne amie de Nana. Première de la classe, elle ne se comporte pas du tout comme la chouchou du professeur. Au contraire, elle préfère faire de grosses bêtises avec les copains. Tom-Tom est un peu jaloux car elle a toujours de supers notes mais en fait, il est peut-être un peu amoureux d'elle!
Pour la fête des pères, TomTom et Nana préparent le petit déjeuner pour leurs parents. Quelle surprise pour tout le monde. Abonne-toi à Tom-Tom et Nana pour ne rien rater des nouvelles aventures ! sur FACEBOOK : sur YOUTUBE : Tom-Tom – C'est le personnage principal : le grand frère. Petit garçon aux cheveux bruns, il est le premier à vouloir inventer les plus grosses bêtises. Plutôt aventurier, c'est un petit casse-cou qui se retrouve souvent dans de drôles de situations. Il aime bien commander son petit monde et tente de bien faire les choses... même si elles se finissent souvent mal! Nana – C'est l'autre personnage principal, la petite soeur. Elle a les cheveux tout blonds, toujours coiffés en couettes nouées avec des rubans. Elle semble être plus sage que son grand frère mais ce n'est qu'une illusion! Elle est très motivée pour suivre Tom-Tom dans ses délires... et sa bonne volonté lui joue des tours puisqu'elle se retrouve toujours dans les coups foireux! Marie-Lou – C'est la grande soeur de Tom-Tom et Nana. Ils sont persuadés qu'elle garde plein de secrets dans sa chambre et ils adorent essayer de les trouver! D'ailleurs, ils ont raison car Marie-Lou adore planquer les petits détails de SA vie derrière la porte de SA chambre. Elle est très coquette et n'aime pas du tout que Tom-Tom et Nana soient dans ses pattes quand elle prend soin d'elle! Adrien – C'est Monsieur Dubouchon, le patron du restaurant 'A la bonne fourchette' et le papa de Tom-Tom, Nana et Marie-Lou. Très bon cuisinier, il régale ses clients et tente de bien faire son travail, même quand ses enfants envahissent sa cuisine... ce qui entraîne régulièrement de grosses, de très grosses crises de colère. Pas facile de bien travailler avec des enfants aussi drôles que casse-pieds! Yvonne – C'est Madame Dubouchon, la patronne du restaurant 'A la bonne fourchette' et la maman de Tom-Tom, Nana et Marie-Lou. Elle est super-active et garde toujours la pêche! Elle connaît bien ses petits et n'hésite pas à les disputer quand ils l'ont mérité. En plus, elle devine souvent quand Tom-Tom et Nana sont en train de préparer un coup fourré! Rémi – C'est le meilleur ami, à la vie, à la mort de Tom-Tom. On le voit dans presque toutes les histoires, il participe beaucoup aux bêtises imaginées par Tom-Tom. Il se met en difficulté pour aider son copain. Mais, lui aussi fait preuve de beaucoup d'esprit quand il invente de nouvelles aventures incroyables, même s'il sait qu'ils vont se faire beaucoup disputer! Sophie – C'est la très bonne amie de Nana. Première de la classe, elle ne se comporte pas du tout comme la chouchou du professeur. Au contraire, elle préfère faire de grosses bêtises avec les copains. Tom-Tom est un peu jaloux car elle a toujours de supers notes mais en fait, il est peut-être un peu amoureux d'elle!
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Links: Music:, Merch: Game Deals: Join the community: You can create a new account or join using your google, steam, facebook, openID, twitter, linkedin, yahoo, etc. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or if would like to use a portion of this video please email us: For marketing (sponsorship opportunities) inquiries email Social: Twitter: Logan's Twitter: Facebook:
Links: Music:, Merch: Game Deals: Join the community: You can create a new account or join using your google, steam, facebook, openID, twitter, linkedin, yahoo, etc. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or if would like to use a portion of this video please email us: For marketing (sponsorship opportunities) inquiries email Social: Twitter: Logan's Twitter: Facebook:
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Steps of creating ID cards via House Stationeries Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
Watch this descriptive video to learn, how we can use general purpose stationeries to prepare professional looking or business looking ID cards with DRPU ID Card Maker Application and more. You'll see here, how for designing ID Card you need to have ID Card designing Tool, Printer (as here we used Laser Printer), general purpose A4 sheets/ business or visiting cards/ blotting sheets and more. In this descriptive video we show you, how to use paper cutting tools like paper cutter or scissor or other paper cutting tools, how to use Lamination machine as well as pouch, how to use punching tools like Punch Plier and more. We show you in this demonstrative video, how to start designing ID cards either via Template or Wizard or Open with Existing Label Format and more. In this video we show you, how to design ID Card via Template option including setting template category or sample or card size or background color or image and more. Video describe here, how to add user details by inserting text (by setting text properties like font type or color or size, how to add barcode (after setting barcode properties), how to browse and add photograph on card and more. We show you, how to adjust printing properties like setting printer name, paper type or paper used, setting paper dimension or orientation, adjusting margins and more. You'll see here, how to use paper cutter or other paper cutting tools, how to use different dimensioned printing sheets, how to use lamination machine or pouch, how to use punching tools (like Punch Plier) and more. Media Used: Printing Sheets Printer Used: Laser Printer Tool Used: Lamination Machine, Punch Plier, Punching Machine Software Used: DRPU ID Card Designing Software
Watch this descriptive video to learn, how we can use general purpose stationeries to prepare professional looking or business looking ID cards with DRPU ID Card Maker Application and more. You'll see here, how for designing ID Card you need to have ID Card designing Tool, Printer (as here we used Laser Printer), general purpose A4 sheets/ business or visiting cards/ blotting sheets and more. In this descriptive video we show you, how to use paper cutting tools like paper cutter or scissor or other paper cutting tools, how to use Lamination machine as well as pouch, how to use punching tools like Punch Plier and more. We show you in this demonstrative video, how to start designing ID cards either via Template or Wizard or Open with Existing Label Format and more. In this video we show you, how to design ID Card via Template option including setting template category or sample or card size or background color or image and more. Video describe here, how to add user details by inserting text (by setting text properties like font type or color or size, how to add barcode (after setting barcode properties), how to browse and add photograph on card and more. We show you, how to adjust printing properties like setting printer name, paper type or paper used, setting paper dimension or orientation, adjusting margins and more. You'll see here, how to use paper cutter or other paper cutting tools, how to use different dimensioned printing sheets, how to use lamination machine or pouch, how to use punching tools (like Punch Plier) and more. Media Used: Printing Sheets Printer Used: Laser Printer Tool Used: Lamination Machine, Punch Plier, Punching Machine Software Used: DRPU ID Card Designing Software
Steps for sending Bulk SMS with MAC via Alcatel USB Modem Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
We discussed in this video, how to use MAC or Macintosh System to send bulk messages or SMS by using features of enhanced DRPU Bulk SMS Tool. For sending messages or SMS you need to connect your device with system (as here we used Mac System) by using USB cable as well as installing device drivers (HSPA USB Modem device drivers) as shown in figure. You'll see in this video, how you need to set connections via "Mobile Device Selection Wizard" by choosing device technology (GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone), by selecting Com Port, by choosing SMS sending mode (for example here for sending text messages we choose Text Mode). To send Bulk messages or SMS we set tool's features including inserting recipient's number, composing messages and using "Apply this message to list items" to send composed text messages to all list items, to selected list items or to only in blank list items according to need. You'll see , how easy to send bulk messages or SMS with your Macintosh system by using user friendly features of enhanced DRPU Bulk SMS Sending Software. Mobile used: Alcatel USB Modem Software used: DRPU Bulk SMS Software Mac Edition System: Mac Desktop
We discussed in this video, how to use MAC or Macintosh System to send bulk messages or SMS by using features of enhanced DRPU Bulk SMS Tool. For sending messages or SMS you need to connect your device with system (as here we used Mac System) by using USB cable as well as installing device drivers (HSPA USB Modem device drivers) as shown in figure. You'll see in this video, how you need to set connections via "Mobile Device Selection Wizard" by choosing device technology (GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone), by selecting Com Port, by choosing SMS sending mode (for example here for sending text messages we choose Text Mode). To send Bulk messages or SMS we set tool's features including inserting recipient's number, composing messages and using "Apply this message to list items" to send composed text messages to all list items, to selected list items or to only in blank list items according to need. You'll see , how easy to send bulk messages or SMS with your Macintosh system by using user friendly features of enhanced DRPU Bulk SMS Sending Software. Mobile used: Alcatel USB Modem Software used: DRPU Bulk SMS Software Mac Edition System: Mac Desktop
How To Transfer Song From iPod to iTunes Easy!!! Icopybot -56%Off any software
A tutorial showing how to get your songs from your ipod to itunes. Instructions: 1. Open up iTunes. 2. Plug in your iPod and be sure it doesn't start to syncronize. 3. Make sure your iPod has a check mark next to "Manually Manage Music" and "Enable Disk Use". 4. Be sure to go to Start--Computer--Organize Tab--Folder and Search Options--View Tab--Bubble in bubble next to "Show Hidden Files And Folders" and hit OK. 5. Go to Start--Computer--Your iPod(F:)--iPod Control--Music 6. Go into your Music Folder--iTunes--iTunes Music 7.Now Copy and Paste all music inside Music folder from iPod to iTunes Music folder. 8.Go into iTunes and go on top where it says File 9.Then click "Add Folder To Library" 10.Navigate to the iTunes Music Folder and click "Add Folder" 11.Now your iPod Music is in your iTunes!!! 12.Enjoy!!!! Thanks for Watching, RATE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE!!!
A tutorial showing how to get your songs from your ipod to itunes. Instructions: 1. Open up iTunes. 2. Plug in your iPod and be sure it doesn't start to syncronize. 3. Make sure your iPod has a check mark next to "Manually Manage Music" and "Enable Disk Use". 4. Be sure to go to Start--Computer--Organize Tab--Folder and Search Options--View Tab--Bubble in bubble next to "Show Hidden Files And Folders" and hit OK. 5. Go to Start--Computer--Your iPod(F:)--iPod Control--Music 6. Go into your Music Folder--iTunes--iTunes Music 7.Now Copy and Paste all music inside Music folder from iPod to iTunes Music folder. 8.Go into iTunes and go on top where it says File 9.Then click "Add Folder To Library" 10.Navigate to the iTunes Music Folder and click "Add Folder" 11.Now your iPod Music is in your iTunes!!! 12.Enjoy!!!! Thanks for Watching, RATE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE!!!
How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone Icopybot -56%Off any software
In this video, I will show you how to transfer your contacts from your Android Smartphone to your iPhone using the easiest and quickest possible way. Want to transfer Photos? Requirements: Your Android Phone Your iPhone A Web browser See also: How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone --------------- SOCIAL MEDIA ----------------- Follow me on twitter : Follow me on facebook: Google+ My Website:
In this video, I will show you how to transfer your contacts from your Android Smartphone to your iPhone using the easiest and quickest possible way. Want to transfer Photos? Requirements: Your Android Phone Your iPhone A Web browser See also: How to Transfer Contacts from Android to iPhone --------------- SOCIAL MEDIA ----------------- Follow me on twitter : Follow me on facebook: Google+ My Website:
How to upload high quality edited videos to Instagram Save 25% when you buy any pack from Tube Sites Submitter
Follow me on Instagram @Es_Dons I've looked at a lot of tutorials online to upload edited videos to Instagram and most of them are pretty complicated. With instagrams new update it makes it really easy to upload videos that you've edited or put onto youtube and will help you promote your youtube videos through instagram Download handbreak free here:
Follow me on Instagram @Es_Dons I've looked at a lot of tutorials online to upload edited videos to Instagram and most of them are pretty complicated. With instagrams new update it makes it really easy to upload videos that you've edited or put onto youtube and will help you promote your youtube videos through instagram Download handbreak free here:
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Check out my new channel! I will be releasing all new content there :) For file downloads please visit:
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Quick start guide to creating your YouTube Channel and uploading your first video. Our tips will get you started on YouTube from creating a Google account without a Gmail address to sharing your video. For more social media tips and tutorials visit Social Media 101 Artizon Digital at
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An angry father runs over his son's video game collection with a lawn mower. Want more videos like this one, check out the Psycho Series: My family is literally insane! If you want to see more videos like this one or some of my other content, check out my channel! Don't forget to subscribe and become a "JUGGIE"! SUBSCRIBE TODAY: Youtube Channel: Gaming Stream: Gaming Channel: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Google+: Follow on Instagram: FAN MAIL: RiDGiD STUDiOS PO BOX 599 Elmer, NJ 08318 United States of America Keep it RiDGiD, my friends.
An angry father runs over his son's video game collection with a lawn mower. Want more videos like this one, check out the Psycho Series: My family is literally insane! If you want to see more videos like this one or some of my other content, check out my channel! Don't forget to subscribe and become a "JUGGIE"! SUBSCRIBE TODAY: Youtube Channel: Gaming Stream: Gaming Channel: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Twitter: Follow on Google+: Follow on Instagram: FAN MAIL: RiDGiD STUDiOS PO BOX 599 Elmer, NJ 08318 United States of America Keep it RiDGiD, my friends.
How to record USB activities of multiple systems at same time Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
Video describe here, how to restrict any illegal USB activities of multiple systems at same time when you're not at desk by using features of DRPU USB Data Theft Prevention Application as shown. In this descriptive tutorial we show you, how to import & export settings on multiple systems including General configuration settings/ Email Settings or FTP Settings as well as how to export USB path as shown. We discussed here, how to run software secretly on system in hidden mode, how to remove the program from Desktop or from Start Menu or from "Add or Remove Programs" or from any folder and more. You'll see here, how you set log settings (or size), log format (detailed or standard), adjusting privacy settings like removing the program via Desktop or Start Menu or from "Add or Remove Program" or hid program from any folder and more. We show you, how you can receive alerts of USB connection or disconnection activity details on your device, how to adjust email settings/ FTP settings/ import & export settings and more. Video describe here, how you can receive email alert (with complete log details) on your device whenever any USB device is connected or disconnected with your system as shown. Software Used: DRPU USB Data Theft Protection Software
Video describe here, how to restrict any illegal USB activities of multiple systems at same time when you're not at desk by using features of DRPU USB Data Theft Prevention Application as shown. In this descriptive tutorial we show you, how to import & export settings on multiple systems including General configuration settings/ Email Settings or FTP Settings as well as how to export USB path as shown. We discussed here, how to run software secretly on system in hidden mode, how to remove the program from Desktop or from Start Menu or from "Add or Remove Programs" or from any folder and more. You'll see here, how you set log settings (or size), log format (detailed or standard), adjusting privacy settings like removing the program via Desktop or Start Menu or from "Add or Remove Program" or hid program from any folder and more. We show you, how you can receive alerts of USB connection or disconnection activity details on your device, how to adjust email settings/ FTP settings/ import & export settings and more. Video describe here, how you can receive email alert (with complete log details) on your device whenever any USB device is connected or disconnected with your system as shown. Software Used: DRPU USB Data Theft Protection Software
Big and Tall clothes for less. Cheap big and tall clothing online. Jacamo hidden sale page
Have you ever felt bogged down with limited options when it comes to clothes? Were you ever frustrated because you have a different body type and couldn't find clothes in a regular store that fit your body type? Well, all of us, at some point in time have being exasperated because the shirt we liked was too tight or slacks we had our eyes on were too small for us. A person can be big or tall, but he also needs clothes that he is comfortable and confident in. It is a challenge sometimes, to find clothes for certain body types. But if we keep our eyes open and follow few tips and techniques; it is not a difficult task at all. The Fashion industry today has recognized that people from various cultures and backgrounds have different body types. So, there are companies and fashion designers who try to cater to men with different types of bodies. Just try these simple tips below and make shopping an easy and enjoyable task: • A lot of shops and brands these days offer sizes equivalent to XXL and triple XXL, do not hesitate to ask for help from a sales person. • Take someone with you for your shopping expedition when online at True to Size Apparel. It helps to get a second opinion. Probably it is in your head that your tummy is bulging or your shoulders are too wide. A friend who has an honest opinion might throw in a different perspective. • You may have grown out of your school or college jeans. It is only natural to grow taller and add on some flab. Get what fits you. Do not try to squeeze yourself in a smaller sized slacks just because you cannot find a larger size. Try another shop. • Do not feel uncomfortable about getting your clothes altered by a good tailor. A good tailor can fix your clothes to suit your body type. Most important is to be open and creative. Just because you are on the heavier side does not mean you need to let go off your jeans and wear only pants or just because you are tall does not mean you should stop wearing shorts. Until and unless you love your body, no amount of clothing can help you. Just remember, the perfect shorts or shirt may just be a few shops away or even a few clicks away. Just invest some time and energy to look around. True to Size Apparel 4075 Aerial Way Eugene, Oregon 97402 541-359-2268
Have you ever felt bogged down with limited options when it comes to clothes? Were you ever frustrated because you have a different body type and couldn't find clothes in a regular store that fit your body type? Well, all of us, at some point in time have being exasperated because the shirt we liked was too tight or slacks we had our eyes on were too small for us. A person can be big or tall, but he also needs clothes that he is comfortable and confident in. It is a challenge sometimes, to find clothes for certain body types. But if we keep our eyes open and follow few tips and techniques; it is not a difficult task at all. The Fashion industry today has recognized that people from various cultures and backgrounds have different body types. So, there are companies and fashion designers who try to cater to men with different types of bodies. Just try these simple tips below and make shopping an easy and enjoyable task: • A lot of shops and brands these days offer sizes equivalent to XXL and triple XXL, do not hesitate to ask for help from a sales person. • Take someone with you for your shopping expedition when online at True to Size Apparel. It helps to get a second opinion. Probably it is in your head that your tummy is bulging or your shoulders are too wide. A friend who has an honest opinion might throw in a different perspective. • You may have grown out of your school or college jeans. It is only natural to grow taller and add on some flab. Get what fits you. Do not try to squeeze yourself in a smaller sized slacks just because you cannot find a larger size. Try another shop. • Do not feel uncomfortable about getting your clothes altered by a good tailor. A good tailor can fix your clothes to suit your body type. Most important is to be open and creative. Just because you are on the heavier side does not mean you need to let go off your jeans and wear only pants or just because you are tall does not mean you should stop wearing shorts. Until and unless you love your body, no amount of clothing can help you. Just remember, the perfect shorts or shirt may just be a few shops away or even a few clicks away. Just invest some time and energy to look around. True to Size Apparel 4075 Aerial Way Eugene, Oregon 97402 541-359-2268
Fink - Pretty Little Thing - London Koko 17.Februar.2012 PrettyLittleThing hidden sale page
Fink - Pretty Little Thing - London Koko 17.Februar.2012
Fink - Pretty Little Thing - London Koko 17.Februar.2012
Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast. DjSoft secret sale page
Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast. The War of the Worlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology series Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on October 30, 1938 and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds. The first two thirds of the 60-minute broadcast were presented as a series of simulated "news bulletins", which suggested to many listeners that an actual alien invasion by Martians was currently in progress. Compounding the issue was the fact that the Mercury Theatre on the Air was a 'sustaining show' (it ran without commercial breaks), thus adding to the program's quality of realism. Although there were sensationalist accounts in the press about a supposed panic in response to the broadcast, the precise extent of listener response has been debated. In the days following the adaptation, however, there was widespread outrage. The program's news-bulletin format was decried as cruelly deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the perpetrators of the broadcast, but the episode secured Orson Welles' fame.
Orson Welles - War Of The Worlds - Radio Broadcast 1938 - Complete Broadcast. The War of the Worlds was an episode of the American radio drama anthology series Mercury Theatre on the Air. It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series on October 30, 1938 and aired over the Columbia Broadcasting System radio network. Directed and narrated by Orson Welles, the episode was an adaptation of H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds. The first two thirds of the 60-minute broadcast were presented as a series of simulated "news bulletins", which suggested to many listeners that an actual alien invasion by Martians was currently in progress. Compounding the issue was the fact that the Mercury Theatre on the Air was a 'sustaining show' (it ran without commercial breaks), thus adding to the program's quality of realism. Although there were sensationalist accounts in the press about a supposed panic in response to the broadcast, the precise extent of listener response has been debated. In the days following the adaptation, however, there was widespread outrage. The program's news-bulletin format was decried as cruelly deceptive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against the perpetrators of the broadcast, but the episode secured Orson Welles' fame.
Learn different designing and printing properties of DRPU Software Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
Watch this video on, how to design and print multiple barcode labels easily with DRPU Barcode Label Maker Software (Corporate Edition). You'll see here, how this program is available with two designing modes barcode setting and designing view by which we design labels having different barcodes on it with different size, structure or color (designed any barcode fonts in linear and 2D type). In this video we are going to talk all about, how to select data source (batch processing or manual), barcode font, barcode value, header & footer value, alignment, number of symbols, error correction level, margin (header, footer, left & right, top & bottom). For this demo we show you practically, how to design 2D Aztec barcode label by using barcode designing properties including barcode technologies, type, values, alignment, general, font, color and image settings. Video shows you, how this program offers enhanced feature to import and export files in various formats including jpeg, tiff, bmp, png, wmf,emf, exf, gif and pdf (where you easily save your created images). Video describes you, how to use email functionality with which you can easily send multiple emails with or without barcodes as per your requirement. We show you in this video, how to set print settings including selecting printing mode, rows and columns, margins, label details (height and width), barcode spaces (horizontal & vertical), printer name (laser or printer), paper size, total copies and also how to use option to show label margins on your label if it is required for your business. Video demonstrate you, how if you're industry needs additional information or details on your labels then you'll use advance designing view mode to design barcode labels including adding more than barcode on your label (in this demo, we show you how to design and add barcodes on your labels), adding text on your barcode label (after setting its font, size, color, orientation) and more. We'll show you, how to set card dimension (including width and height), how to choose card shape (rectangle, round rectangle and ellipse), border (style, color or width) or name. In video we show you, how to select barcode from drawing tool and set properties on it including how to set barcode type, value, size, font (font type, style, size) and color. In this demonstrative video you'll see, how to add multiple customs shapes as well as water marks available in DRPU Software, how to add image on your barcode label from library as per your business requirement. You'll see here, how to set printing commands including mode (manual and pre defined label stock), label product, product number, label details, page properties, orientation, paper-used, paper-size, printer name and more.
Watch this video on, how to design and print multiple barcode labels easily with DRPU Barcode Label Maker Software (Corporate Edition). You'll see here, how this program is available with two designing modes barcode setting and designing view by which we design labels having different barcodes on it with different size, structure or color (designed any barcode fonts in linear and 2D type). In this video we are going to talk all about, how to select data source (batch processing or manual), barcode font, barcode value, header & footer value, alignment, number of symbols, error correction level, margin (header, footer, left & right, top & bottom). For this demo we show you practically, how to design 2D Aztec barcode label by using barcode designing properties including barcode technologies, type, values, alignment, general, font, color and image settings. Video shows you, how this program offers enhanced feature to import and export files in various formats including jpeg, tiff, bmp, png, wmf,emf, exf, gif and pdf (where you easily save your created images). Video describes you, how to use email functionality with which you can easily send multiple emails with or without barcodes as per your requirement. We show you in this video, how to set print settings including selecting printing mode, rows and columns, margins, label details (height and width), barcode spaces (horizontal & vertical), printer name (laser or printer), paper size, total copies and also how to use option to show label margins on your label if it is required for your business. Video demonstrate you, how if you're industry needs additional information or details on your labels then you'll use advance designing view mode to design barcode labels including adding more than barcode on your label (in this demo, we show you how to design and add barcodes on your labels), adding text on your barcode label (after setting its font, size, color, orientation) and more. We'll show you, how to set card dimension (including width and height), how to choose card shape (rectangle, round rectangle and ellipse), border (style, color or width) or name. In video we show you, how to select barcode from drawing tool and set properties on it including how to set barcode type, value, size, font (font type, style, size) and color. In this demonstrative video you'll see, how to add multiple customs shapes as well as water marks available in DRPU Software, how to add image on your barcode label from library as per your business requirement. You'll see here, how to set printing commands including mode (manual and pre defined label stock), label product, product number, label details, page properties, orientation, paper-used, paper-size, printer name and more.
TRY ON Summer Haul | Primark, Urban Outfitters, Prettylittlething, River Island, Bershka | Annaban PrettyLittleThing hidden sale page
Hey Lovely ones, today I'm showing you a few casual bits and pieces I've picked up for the summer! and some of the items shown i tried on to give you a better idea of how they look, hope your all excited for summer break/holidays! do any of you have a nice trip planned? ITEMS MENTIONED - Floral Primark Dress Urban Outfitters white crop top Urban Outfitters x2 Black and white baggy crop tops River Island Bikinis Bershka Black denim shorts Bershka Shirt tops x2 Bershka beige cardigan Pretty Little Thing White shirt dress WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME - COME SAY HI: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: SNAPCHAT: annnieeban Music - Alumomusic Sunshine See you in my next video! x
Hey Lovely ones, today I'm showing you a few casual bits and pieces I've picked up for the summer! and some of the items shown i tried on to give you a better idea of how they look, hope your all excited for summer break/holidays! do any of you have a nice trip planned? ITEMS MENTIONED - Floral Primark Dress Urban Outfitters white crop top Urban Outfitters x2 Black and white baggy crop tops River Island Bikinis Bershka Black denim shorts Bershka Shirt tops x2 Bershka beige cardigan Pretty Little Thing White shirt dress WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME - COME SAY HI: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: SNAPCHAT: annnieeban Music - Alumomusic Sunshine See you in my next video! x
[開箱]look fantastic advent calendar 2016 unboxing part 2 Secret sale page at Lookfantastic
product list 1.Pixi glow tonic 15ml 2.Rituals the ritual of sakura magic touch body cream 70ml 3.Inika loose mineral blush blooming nude 3g 4.This work sleep plus pillow spray 5ml 5.Moroccanoil treatment 25ml 6.Nudestix lip and cheek pencil and sharpener(full size) 7.Monuskin bb cream primer spf15 25ml 8.Ren revitalizing night cream 15ml 9.Ojon damage reverse hair serum 15ml 10.Ardell wispies lashes 11.Christophe Robin regenerating mask 50ml 12.Foreo luna play + day cleanser 13.Wella OR oil reflections shampoo 50ml 14.Origin ginzing energy boosting moisturiser 30ml 15.Nuxe huile prodigieuse 10ml 16.Pur-minerals impact + mascara 3.4g 17.Bella pierre gel eyeliner ebony 1.5g 18.Codage paris micro-peeling mask 15ml 19.Balance me wonder eye cream 7ml 20.Redken one united muiti-benefit treatment 30ml 21.Dermologica daily microfoliant 13g 22.Molton Brown pink pepperpod body wash 100ml 23.Ole henriksen clean truth cleansing cloth(pack of 10) 24.Look good feel better eye shading blush 25.Illamasqua eyeshadow palette -look fantastic exclusive (full size)
product list 1.Pixi glow tonic 15ml 2.Rituals the ritual of sakura magic touch body cream 70ml 3.Inika loose mineral blush blooming nude 3g 4.This work sleep plus pillow spray 5ml 5.Moroccanoil treatment 25ml 6.Nudestix lip and cheek pencil and sharpener(full size) 7.Monuskin bb cream primer spf15 25ml 8.Ren revitalizing night cream 15ml 9.Ojon damage reverse hair serum 15ml 10.Ardell wispies lashes 11.Christophe Robin regenerating mask 50ml 12.Foreo luna play + day cleanser 13.Wella OR oil reflections shampoo 50ml 14.Origin ginzing energy boosting moisturiser 30ml 15.Nuxe huile prodigieuse 10ml 16.Pur-minerals impact + mascara 3.4g 17.Bella pierre gel eyeliner ebony 1.5g 18.Codage paris micro-peeling mask 15ml 19.Balance me wonder eye cream 7ml 20.Redken one united muiti-benefit treatment 30ml 21.Dermologica daily microfoliant 13g 22.Molton Brown pink pepperpod body wash 100ml 23.Ole henriksen clean truth cleansing cloth(pack of 10) 24.Look good feel better eye shading blush 25.Illamasqua eyeshadow palette -look fantastic exclusive (full size)
Tobtok ft. River - Fast Car TomTom secret discount page
For more quality music subscribe here ➡ We're on Spotify ➡ ✖ Click "SHOW MORE" for artists' and photographer's info and download links ✖ THE VIBE GUIDE • Your guide to the latest music trends. ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ✖ Support Tobtok:!/Tobtok ✖ Support River: ✖ Image by David Olkarny: Lyrics: You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Any place is better Starting from zero got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something Me myself I got nothing to prove You got a fast car I got a plan to get us out of here I been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money Won't have to drive too far Just 'cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living See my old man's got a problem He live with the bottle that's the way it is He says his body's too old for working His body's too young to look like his My mama went off and left him She wanted more from life than he could give I said somebody's got to take care of him So I quit school and that's what I did You got a fast car Is it fast enough so we can fly away? We gotta make a decision Leave tonight or live and die this way So remember when we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car We go cruising, entertain ourselves You still ain't got a job And I work in a market as a checkout girl I know things will get better You'll find work and I'll get promoted We'll move out of the shelter Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs So remember when we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car I got a job that pays all our bills You stay out drinking late at the bar See more of your friends than you do of your kids I'd always hoped for better Thought maybe together you and me find it I got no plans I ain't going nowhere So take your fast car and keep on driving So remember when we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car Is it fast enough so you can fly away? You gotta make a decision Leave tonight or live and die this way Tobtok ft. River - Fast Car Tobtok - Fast Car
For more quality music subscribe here ➡ We're on Spotify ➡ ✖ Click "SHOW MORE" for artists' and photographer's info and download links ✖ THE VIBE GUIDE • Your guide to the latest music trends. ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ✖ Support Tobtok:!/Tobtok ✖ Support River: ✖ Image by David Olkarny: Lyrics: You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Any place is better Starting from zero got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something Me myself I got nothing to prove You got a fast car I got a plan to get us out of here I been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money Won't have to drive too far Just 'cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living See my old man's got a problem He live with the bottle that's the way it is He says his body's too old for working His body's too young to look like his My mama went off and left him She wanted more from life than he could give I said somebody's got to take care of him So I quit school and that's what I did You got a fast car Is it fast enough so we can fly away? We gotta make a decision Leave tonight or live and die this way So remember when we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car We go cruising, entertain ourselves You still ain't got a job And I work in a market as a checkout girl I know things will get better You'll find work and I'll get promoted We'll move out of the shelter Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs So remember when we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car I got a job that pays all our bills You stay out drinking late at the bar See more of your friends than you do of your kids I'd always hoped for better Thought maybe together you and me find it I got no plans I ain't going nowhere So take your fast car and keep on driving So remember when we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car Is it fast enough so you can fly away? You gotta make a decision Leave tonight or live and die this way Tobtok ft. River - Fast Car Tobtok - Fast Car
Get Ready With Me: Date Night Makeup Hair & Outfit Secret sale page at Lookfantastic
Open for all info..♡ Products Used/Mentioned: HAIR: -White Truffle Serum -Iconic Signature Dryer -Titan3 Set: 32mm wand -Argan Oil MAKEUP: -Smashbox Primer -EX1 Foundation -Anastasia Dip Brow Medium Brown -Anastasia Concealer 2.5 -Makeup Geek Eyeshadow -House of Lashes Iconic -Loreal Smoldering Eyeliner -Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Beige -MAC ProLong Wear Concealer in NW20 -Ben Nye Banana Powder -Too Faced Chocolate Soleil -Tarte Pampered Blush -LimeCrime Coquette Dont forget you can get cash back when you buy online through Ebates! Sephora has 8% cash back! Sign Up if you haven't! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect With Me: BUSINESS INQUIRES: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COUPONS: To Buy the Brushes I use Click Link: Get 10% off your purchase with coupon code "NY2015" *gift with purchase on $30 orders* *free shipping with orders over $50* Gerard Cosmetics: Use coupon code: BeautyyBird for 25% off your entire purchase! VitaGoods Spin For the Perfect Skin: Use coupon code: Birdy for 70% off! OTHER CHANNELS: Spanish Channel: Vlog Channel: FTC:this is NOT sponsored :)
Open for all info..♡ Products Used/Mentioned: HAIR: -White Truffle Serum -Iconic Signature Dryer -Titan3 Set: 32mm wand -Argan Oil MAKEUP: -Smashbox Primer -EX1 Foundation -Anastasia Dip Brow Medium Brown -Anastasia Concealer 2.5 -Makeup Geek Eyeshadow -House of Lashes Iconic -Loreal Smoldering Eyeliner -Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Beige -MAC ProLong Wear Concealer in NW20 -Ben Nye Banana Powder -Too Faced Chocolate Soleil -Tarte Pampered Blush -LimeCrime Coquette Dont forget you can get cash back when you buy online through Ebates! Sephora has 8% cash back! Sign Up if you haven't! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect With Me: BUSINESS INQUIRES: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COUPONS: To Buy the Brushes I use Click Link: Get 10% off your purchase with coupon code "NY2015" *gift with purchase on $30 orders* *free shipping with orders over $50* Gerard Cosmetics: Use coupon code: BeautyyBird for 25% off your entire purchase! VitaGoods Spin For the Perfect Skin: Use coupon code: Birdy for 70% off! OTHER CHANNELS: Spanish Channel: Vlog Channel: FTC:this is NOT sponsored :)
NOVITA' | Kiko e Lookfantastic Secret sale page at Lookfantastic
★ Snapchat ★ misspenny09 ★ INSTAGRAM ★ Sito Kiko Informazioni Box Lookfantastic ★ MAKEUP ★ - Viso Diorskin Star 020 Benefit Rockateur Neve Cosmetics Newton - Occhi Kat Von D Shade + Light KIko maxi mood mascara - Labbra Kiko Unlimited stylo 21 - Smalto Layla gel effect 10 ★ Puoi trovarmi anche qui ★ ☛ Periscope: misspenny09 ☛ Twitter: ☛ Anobii: ☛ Google+: ☛ Mail:
★ Snapchat ★ misspenny09 ★ INSTAGRAM ★ Sito Kiko Informazioni Box Lookfantastic ★ MAKEUP ★ - Viso Diorskin Star 020 Benefit Rockateur Neve Cosmetics Newton - Occhi Kat Von D Shade + Light KIko maxi mood mascara - Labbra Kiko Unlimited stylo 21 - Smalto Layla gel effect 10 ★ Puoi trovarmi anche qui ★ ☛ Periscope: misspenny09 ☛ Twitter: ☛ Anobii: ☛ Google+: ☛ Mail:
Instructions to use MAC with Micromax USB Modem to send Bulk SMS Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
In this informative video you'll learn, how to use Macintosh system to send multiple messages via Micromax USB Modem by using advance DRPU Bulk SMS software. You'll see in this video, step-by-step process including connecting phone, installing device drivers, setting connections via Mobile Device Selection where we choose technology of device (here, for Micromax USB Modem we choose "GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone"), selecting Connected device list or Com Port, choosing SMS Sending Mode (Text Mode) and more. We discussed in this video, how to insert recipients number, how to compose message or SMS via "Message Composer", how to apply this message to all list items/ to only in blank list items/ to selected list items and more. (for demo we send SMS via one device and received it on other mobile phone). Mobile used: Micromax USB Modem Software used: DRPU Bulk SMS Software Mac Edition System: Mac Desktop
In this informative video you'll learn, how to use Macintosh system to send multiple messages via Micromax USB Modem by using advance DRPU Bulk SMS software. You'll see in this video, step-by-step process including connecting phone, installing device drivers, setting connections via Mobile Device Selection where we choose technology of device (here, for Micromax USB Modem we choose "GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone"), selecting Connected device list or Com Port, choosing SMS Sending Mode (Text Mode) and more. We discussed in this video, how to insert recipients number, how to compose message or SMS via "Message Composer", how to apply this message to all list items/ to only in blank list items/ to selected list items and more. (for demo we send SMS via one device and received it on other mobile phone). Mobile used: Micromax USB Modem Software used: DRPU Bulk SMS Software Mac Edition System: Mac Desktop
Using AuroSMS in Windows 8 to send SMS including DND Numbers Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
Send SMS from Windows 8 using AuroSMS: An SMS Sending Software by
Send SMS from Windows 8 using AuroSMS: An SMS Sending Software by
Who Says Earth is Flat - Video Submissions (Re-upload) ✅ Save 25% when you buy any pack from Tube Sites Submitter
A year ago, I asked for people to send me a short video of them saying whatever they believed about NASA and where we live. Compiling it took a long time and my video editor was not happy with me AT ALL. But it is done. So, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY as everyone in the video has been a flat earther for at least one year! THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO SUBMITTED VIDEOS. If I missed yours, I truly apologize but some videos didn't work, others could not be heard... so I did the best with what I had. (Re-upload from Jaran, please subscribe to his channel): See also: GLOBEBUSTERS! Sunday's LIVE at 12:00 PM PST: and jeranismRAW Monday Evenings 6:00 PM PST - 9:00 PM PST on Truth Frequency Radio at Subscribe: --- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
A year ago, I asked for people to send me a short video of them saying whatever they believed about NASA and where we live. Compiling it took a long time and my video editor was not happy with me AT ALL. But it is done. So, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY as everyone in the video has been a flat earther for at least one year! THANKS SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO SUBMITTED VIDEOS. If I missed yours, I truly apologize but some videos didn't work, others could not be heard... so I did the best with what I had. (Re-upload from Jaran, please subscribe to his channel): See also: GLOBEBUSTERS! Sunday's LIVE at 12:00 PM PST: and jeranismRAW Monday Evenings 6:00 PM PST - 9:00 PM PST on Truth Frequency Radio at Subscribe: --- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Look Fantastic Beauty Box October 2016 Secret sale page at Lookfantastic
Hi lovely, Look Fantastic Beauty Box. I'm unboxing October's Look Fantastic beauty box which features products from Laura Geller, Oskia, Polaar and more. I hope you like and enjoy this Look Fantastic beauty box unboxing. Thumbs up and subscribe for more! Thank you for watching this Look Fantastic beauty box unboxing. Jodie xx LOOK FANTASTIC BEAUTY BOX (£15 incl. P+P) _______________________ ❤️ M Y B L O G ❤️ INSTAGRAM ❤️ TWITTER ❤️ SNAPCHAT: Jodie.c92 _______________________ PRODUCTS IN BEAUTY BOX (listed below in full size) Laura Geller Pout Perfection Lip Liner in 'Claret' Oskia Renaissance Mask Polaar Lip Balm Alterna Caviar Moisture Pre Shampoo Murad Intensive c Radiance Peel Mio Liquid Yoga Bath Soak Hi Guys! Welcome to my channel. I'm Jodie, just a regular gal from Scotland. I have a huge passion for makeup and love doing videos on YouTube! On my channel you will find a variety of videos such as; makeup tutorials, beauty and fashion hauls, reviews, first impressions, lip swatches, routines and the occasional chit chat vlog. I love sharing my tips and tricks to help other lovelies out there. I hope you like what you see on my channel. Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to join my YouTube fam! xo, Jodie
Hi lovely, Look Fantastic Beauty Box. I'm unboxing October's Look Fantastic beauty box which features products from Laura Geller, Oskia, Polaar and more. I hope you like and enjoy this Look Fantastic beauty box unboxing. Thumbs up and subscribe for more! Thank you for watching this Look Fantastic beauty box unboxing. Jodie xx LOOK FANTASTIC BEAUTY BOX (£15 incl. P+P) _______________________ ❤️ M Y B L O G ❤️ INSTAGRAM ❤️ TWITTER ❤️ SNAPCHAT: Jodie.c92 _______________________ PRODUCTS IN BEAUTY BOX (listed below in full size) Laura Geller Pout Perfection Lip Liner in 'Claret' Oskia Renaissance Mask Polaar Lip Balm Alterna Caviar Moisture Pre Shampoo Murad Intensive c Radiance Peel Mio Liquid Yoga Bath Soak Hi Guys! Welcome to my channel. I'm Jodie, just a regular gal from Scotland. I have a huge passion for makeup and love doing videos on YouTube! On my channel you will find a variety of videos such as; makeup tutorials, beauty and fashion hauls, reviews, first impressions, lip swatches, routines and the occasional chit chat vlog. I love sharing my tips and tricks to help other lovelies out there. I hope you like what you see on my channel. Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to join my YouTube fam! xo, Jodie
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You'll see here in this video, how easy to send bulk SMS by using enhanced features of DRPU tool via Micromax Q55 (GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone).Watch this video to learn, how with Phone Suite Set Up Wizard we install phone Suite or drivers to use it to connect with system or tool to send bulk SMS, how to choose "GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone" from mobile selection wizard and more. With this video you learn, how to enter Recipient number and composing messages to apply it in all list items or selected list items to send composed messages easily. Mobile used: Micromax Q55 (GSM Technology Based Mobile Phone) Software used: DRPU Bulk SMS Software System: Laptop or PC
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We invited 9 of the Top UK Beauty Influencers to Lookfantastic HQ to discover our ultimate beauty secret. Then we asked them what their #LFBeautySecret was too... The Lookfantastic Advent Calendar 2016: The Beauty Secret Volume 2 is available to pre-order NOW: OUR AMBASSADORS: Patricia Bright: Nina Vee: Imogen Hudson: Meg Says: Lydia Elise Millen: Ali Gordon: Sabrina Britton: Leanne Lim Walker: Stacey Macdonald: Sonny the pug: SUBSCRIBE to our channel and tell us what your ultimate beauty secret is in the comments below, or tweet us @lookfantastic with #LFBeautySecrets Keep up to date with our blog: Follow us on Social Media: Subscribe to look forward to advice direct from the world's leading makeup, skincare and haircare brands, and top tips from our exclusive community of Lookfantastic Beauty Ambassadors.
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Learn how to design and save designed barcode labels with DRPU Software Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
This video based on how to create and save created barcodes with settings and designing view mode offered by DRPU Barcode Label Maker Software. Watch this video in which we describe, how to design barcode labels for your industry by using large set of barcode fonts available by this program. Video demonstrates, how to insert various values including barcode, header, footer, message append, alignment, number of symbols, error correction level, margins, character grouping, X-Dimension, X to Y ratio, narrow to wide ratio, font (type, style or size), color, image settings and advance options to hide barcode value, header, footer. In this video we describe you, how to set card properties (shape, size, type, name and border). Whole video demonstrate the use of software by both setting and designing view. We show you here, how easily you select barcode from drawing tool available in the program and set various barcode properties on it including type, technologies, font, value, size, color and more. Video shows, how to import and export created barcodes in any advance file formats including png, jpg, tiff, gif, bmp, emf, wmf, exf or pdf. We discuss every functionality and features including how to set print quality, text modes and also you'll save logs for future modifications. We show you, how to set print settings including printing mode (pre defined label stock or manual), page properties, orientation, paper width and height, printer name, paper used, total labels and copies. For demo we used here, general purpose thermal printer, barcode rolls in different size and sample of designed PDF 417 Barcode Label. For more queries, Contact us on: please sends email to:
This video based on how to create and save created barcodes with settings and designing view mode offered by DRPU Barcode Label Maker Software. Watch this video in which we describe, how to design barcode labels for your industry by using large set of barcode fonts available by this program. Video demonstrates, how to insert various values including barcode, header, footer, message append, alignment, number of symbols, error correction level, margins, character grouping, X-Dimension, X to Y ratio, narrow to wide ratio, font (type, style or size), color, image settings and advance options to hide barcode value, header, footer. In this video we describe you, how to set card properties (shape, size, type, name and border). Whole video demonstrate the use of software by both setting and designing view. We show you here, how easily you select barcode from drawing tool available in the program and set various barcode properties on it including type, technologies, font, value, size, color and more. Video shows, how to import and export created barcodes in any advance file formats including png, jpg, tiff, gif, bmp, emf, wmf, exf or pdf. We discuss every functionality and features including how to set print quality, text modes and also you'll save logs for future modifications. We show you, how to set print settings including printing mode (pre defined label stock or manual), page properties, orientation, paper width and height, printer name, paper used, total labels and copies. For demo we used here, general purpose thermal printer, barcode rolls in different size and sample of designed PDF 417 Barcode Label. For more queries, Contact us on: please sends email to:
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Do you want to become a Fitness Model? Guru Mann will provide you a Step by Step information. Get Shred with this Diet & Exercise : Do home or Office Workout with Body weight workout : Gain Mass with Pure Mass: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❤❤❤ Thanks and Love #GuruMann ❤❤❤ LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all updates : ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on Guru Mann Fitness ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on Health & Fitness : ★ LIKE us on Facebook ★ Follow us on Twitter : ★ Follow Guru Mann on Instagram: GURUMANN Check out for more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IIf your have missed it here are all Fitness Program by Guru Mann. 👉🏼 MUSCLE SIZE 5x5 - SIZE GAIN WORKOUT Program 👉🏼ULTIMATE ARMS: Biceps Workout, Triceps Workout 👉🏼 Muscular 8 Fat Loss Program: 👉🏼 Pure Mass' 8 Weeks Mass Building Program 👉🏼LEAN MODE Workout: Nutrition: 👉🏼 GAINER (Pecs & Delts): 👉🏼SHREDDED NEXT LEVEL 8 Weeks Fat Shred Program: 👉🏼 GET RIPPED 6 weeks MALE & FEMALE Fitness Model Workout Program: 👉🏼CONTROL DIABETES:
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Design and print barcode labels easily with enhanced DRPU Software Save 40% when you buy from DrpuSoftware
In this video you'll see, how to create barcode labels as per need of your business by using designing features in two modes (barcode setting and barcode designing view) of DRPU Barcode Label Maker Software. For demo, we show you designing barcode labels in 2D Databar UPCA Barcode Font. Watch this video on barcode label designing where we show you, how to adjust various barcode settings including barcode type, barcode data source value, barcode font, values (barcode, header, footer & composite data), alignment for header & footer (left, right, center), barcode height, X-Dimension, general settings (margins, character grouping), color setting (for barcode value, barcode, header, footer & barcode background color), orientation and more. You'll see here, how DRPU Software helps you to insert additional information's on your barcode labels (in form of text or various custom shapes available). Video shows you, how to set card width, card height, card shapes (including rectangle, round rectangle, oval) and card border (style, color or width) and more. We'll show you, how to set multiple barcodes on your cards after setting various barcode properties on it including barcode linear or 2D type, barcode font, data source value, orientation of barcodes, alignment, size, color and more. You'll see in this video, how easily you set options to hide barcode header, footer, value and also have options to show barcode value on top. You'll see here, how easily you insert date and time on your barcode labels. Video shows you, what enhanced features provided by DRPU Software including multiple drawing tools, browse & crop image options, adding library pictures, resize your label by using zoom feature, generating list by using batch processing process, import & export feature to add data files in excel and text file formats, mail functionality helps you to send mail (with or without barcode label) and more. You'll see in this video, how to print copies of barcode labels by using advance features of print properties including pre define label stock or manual. We'll show you how to set page properties, label, margins, barcode spaces, printer name, paper used, paper size and more. In this demo, we used general purpose zebra thermal printer, laser printer, barcode label rolls and sheets.
In this video you'll see, how to create barcode labels as per need of your business by using designing features in two modes (barcode setting and barcode designing view) of DRPU Barcode Label Maker Software. For demo, we show you designing barcode labels in 2D Databar UPCA Barcode Font. Watch this video on barcode label designing where we show you, how to adjust various barcode settings including barcode type, barcode data source value, barcode font, values (barcode, header, footer & composite data), alignment for header & footer (left, right, center), barcode height, X-Dimension, general settings (margins, character grouping), color setting (for barcode value, barcode, header, footer & barcode background color), orientation and more. You'll see here, how DRPU Software helps you to insert additional information's on your barcode labels (in form of text or various custom shapes available). Video shows you, how to set card width, card height, card shapes (including rectangle, round rectangle, oval) and card border (style, color or width) and more. We'll show you, how to set multiple barcodes on your cards after setting various barcode properties on it including barcode linear or 2D type, barcode font, data source value, orientation of barcodes, alignment, size, color and more. You'll see in this video, how easily you set options to hide barcode header, footer, value and also have options to show barcode value on top. You'll see here, how easily you insert date and time on your barcode labels. Video shows you, what enhanced features provided by DRPU Software including multiple drawing tools, browse & crop image options, adding library pictures, resize your label by using zoom feature, generating list by using batch processing process, import & export feature to add data files in excel and text file formats, mail functionality helps you to send mail (with or without barcode label) and more. You'll see in this video, how to print copies of barcode labels by using advance features of print properties including pre define label stock or manual. We'll show you how to set page properties, label, margins, barcode spaces, printer name, paper used, paper size and more. In this demo, we used general purpose zebra thermal printer, laser printer, barcode label rolls and sheets.
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Hi all yesterday's giveaway also works just fine on ZorinOS6 Linux under Wine which is installed for you out the box, enjoy all. Download Link : NOTICE: Fair Use Copyright Law This video may contain copyrighted material, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, scientific, and social justice issues etc. We know that our use of any such copyrighted material constitutes a 'fair use' as provided for in Copyright Law. In accordance, the material on this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
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經常與電腦為伍的朋友們,應該多少都曾不小心誤殺不該殺的檔案,當你的檔案就像變了心的舊情人,拋下背後涼涼褲底濕濕,滿懷惆悵的你,就這麼揚長而去,通常大家只能看著空空如也的資源回收桶,卻又無計可施,至少我自己之前就都是這樣Orz,這時候其實簡單用windows的還原點,就可以救贖你的錯手,如果這個簡單小方法還是無法挽回已經逝去的舊愛,再去載救援程式碰運氣囉,不過這段影片主要是拍給自己看的,以免我哪天又眼花手殘幹傻事,卻找不到挽救的辦法Orz 當你不小心錯殺了不該殺的檔案,請保持冷靜及兇案現場的原狀,盡量先不要下載或灌入其他資料到你的電腦中,這些資料很可能把你要解救的檔案原本所在的磁區給覆蓋,這樣就真的回天乏術了,最好也不要關機或重新開機,因為這方法是用系統還原點來找回你的檔案,也就是回到悲劇發生前案發現場的模樣,萬一關機或重新開機後,電腦衰衰的給你重新建立還原點,那就八九成死透透,真的得找救援軟體來碰運氣了。 努力回想案發現場是在哪個槽區或資料夾,對該槽區或資料夾點滑鼠右鍵,會出現一個列表,點選列表中的"內容",這個項目通常在列表的最下方,其中有個"以前的版本"選項,此項目中可能有一個或多個還原點,反白適當的還原點後,可進行還原、複製或開啟舊檔的動作。 如果實在不確定死的是哪個冤大頭,可以直接把整個資料夾甚至槽區內的所有檔案還原,不過前提是你的槽區內要有足夠的空間,如果死者身分明確,就直接滑鼠左鍵點擊反白的還原點兩下,或是按下"開啟舊檔"按鈕,便會開啟檔案視窗,從這個視窗循著和你平常開啟檔案同樣的路徑,前往檔案被你誤殺的資料夾,就可以看到你誤殺的檔案被停屍在那裡,直接複製到平常慣用的資料夾或想存這檔案的位置去,復活術就施放完成啦! 本短片中音樂,由「Kevin MacLeod」創作的「Daily Beetle」是根據「Creative Commons Attribution」( 授權 使用來源: 演出者:
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+++Öffne mich+++ Die lookfantastic Box im Abo: 3 Monate: 53,20€ ( wenn ihr jetzt bestellt enthält das Abo noch die Februar Box. Die kann man aber entfernen und dann zahlt ihr für die kommenden beiden Boxen nur 41,10€, allerdings steigt dann der Einzelpreis der Boxen) 6 Monate: 97,95€ (enthält aktuell ebenfalls die Februar Box. ohne diese: 102,75€) 12 Monate: 174,14 € ( ohne Februar Box: 226,05€) Hier findet ihr die Abos: * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hier findet ihr die Produkte: Maroccanoil * Dr Pawpaw (gelbe Tube aktuell nicht verfügbar) * Korres Citrus Body Milk * Erno Laszlo Sea Mud Seife * Monu Set * Bellapierre Kajal * *Firmenseite von lookfantastic ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Schminkschnubbels Bloggetippsel: Everyday I'm facebooking: Twitterzwitscherei: Instagram,schminstagram: Are you pinterested? DISCLAIMER: Da ich nicht von Hinz und Kunz gesponsort werde, sondern mein hartverdientes Geld schön selber in die Läden trage ist alles was ich euch in den Videos zeige (solange nicht anders erwähnt) selbst gekauft.
Simcity Buildit hack get to level 99 in 1 minute with Game Guardian 2016 Reneelab: secret discounts page
Please click on ▼[Show More]▼ and read the rest of the description. How to get to level 99 in 1 minute SimCity Buildit with Game Guardian on any android device or on PC. 100% Working. If you find this video is helpful please like ❤, comment ⌨ and subscribe✔ to my channel. Enjoy the video and stay tuned for more videos. Thank you for watching my videos. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩Ϫ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ The apps links are here: *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Download links~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ SimCity Buildit ▷▶ ◉ Lucky Patcher ▷▶ (website) ◉ Game Guardian ▷▶ (website) ~~~~~~~~▼Android apk links (Google drive)▼~~~~~~~~ ◉ Freedom app ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Lucky Patcher ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game Guardian ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game hacker ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game killer ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Apex Launcher pro ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ ES File explorer Pro ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game hacker ▷▶ (На Русском языке) ◉ Game killer ▷▶ (На Русском языке) *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~▼Root apps links▼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ Towel root ▷▶ ◉ King root ▷▶ ◉ Kingo root ▷▶ ◉ One root ▷▶ ◉ iroot ▷▶ ◉ BS Helper ▷▶ ◉ Root checker ▷▶ ◉ Superuser X Pro ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Root checker Pro ▷▶ (latest version) *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~▼Subscription links▼~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ YouTube ▷▶ ◉ Google+ ▷▶ ◉ Facebook ▷▶ ◉ My Second channel ▷▶ *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~▼Tutorials links▼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ Game hacker complete tutorial 2016 ⇒ ◉ Game Guardian complete tutorial 2016/How to use Game Guardian link: ⇒ ◉ How to use Freedom in-app purchases for free on Android 2016 (APPS). ⇒ ◉ Freedom app complete tutorial Android 2016 (Games). ⇒ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ♛♛♛ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♫ Music ♫ ▷▶ «♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒» DISCLAIMER! =========== This and all of my videos are for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for what you do with Game Guardian, SB Game Hacker, Game Killer, Lucky Patcher, or any hacking tools and or this game. I do NOT own the video materials and all the credits go to the righteous owners. If any of the materials used in this video belongs to you, just before taking action, please contact me IMMEDIATELY for further credits or removal. FOR ALL GAME COMPANIES! ====================== Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This Video is only a demonstration to help the developer to make the game better and to fix bugs or gaps and not for other things! I'm not supporting to use this things, so download the original version from this game and play normally! If you want to remove a video from my channel please e-mail me ASAP, I will respond within 24 hours or less. There is never a need to strike a video down when you can get it removed within the same day and keep the channel and yourself happy! «♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒» *…*…*…*…*…*…*...*…*…*…* Thanks For Visiting My Channel *…*…*…*…*…*…*...*…*…*…*
Please click on ▼[Show More]▼ and read the rest of the description. How to get to level 99 in 1 minute SimCity Buildit with Game Guardian on any android device or on PC. 100% Working. If you find this video is helpful please like ❤, comment ⌨ and subscribe✔ to my channel. Enjoy the video and stay tuned for more videos. Thank you for watching my videos. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩Ϫ۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ The apps links are here: *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Download links~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ SimCity Buildit ▷▶ ◉ Lucky Patcher ▷▶ (website) ◉ Game Guardian ▷▶ (website) ~~~~~~~~▼Android apk links (Google drive)▼~~~~~~~~ ◉ Freedom app ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Lucky Patcher ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game Guardian ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game hacker ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game killer ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Apex Launcher pro ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ ES File explorer Pro ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Game hacker ▷▶ (На Русском языке) ◉ Game killer ▷▶ (На Русском языке) *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~▼Root apps links▼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ Towel root ▷▶ ◉ King root ▷▶ ◉ Kingo root ▷▶ ◉ One root ▷▶ ◉ iroot ▷▶ ◉ BS Helper ▷▶ ◉ Root checker ▷▶ ◉ Superuser X Pro ▷▶ (latest version) ◉ Root checker Pro ▷▶ (latest version) *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~▼Subscription links▼~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ YouTube ▷▶ ◉ Google+ ▷▶ ◉ Facebook ▷▶ ◉ My Second channel ▷▶ *************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~▼Tutorials links▼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *************************************************************** ◉ Game hacker complete tutorial 2016 ⇒ ◉ Game Guardian complete tutorial 2016/How to use Game Guardian link: ⇒ ◉ How to use Freedom in-app purchases for free on Android 2016 (APPS). ⇒ ◉ Freedom app complete tutorial Android 2016 (Games). ⇒ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ♛♛♛ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♫ Music ♫ ▷▶ «♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒» DISCLAIMER! =========== This and all of my videos are for educational purposes only. I am not responsible for what you do with Game Guardian, SB Game Hacker, Game Killer, Lucky Patcher, or any hacking tools and or this game. I do NOT own the video materials and all the credits go to the righteous owners. If any of the materials used in this video belongs to you, just before taking action, please contact me IMMEDIATELY for further credits or removal. FOR ALL GAME COMPANIES! ====================== Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This Video is only a demonstration to help the developer to make the game better and to fix bugs or gaps and not for other things! I'm not supporting to use this things, so download the original version from this game and play normally! If you want to remove a video from my channel please e-mail me ASAP, I will respond within 24 hours or less. There is never a need to strike a video down when you can get it removed within the same day and keep the channel and yourself happy! «♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒»=«♒» *…*…*…*…*…*…*...*…*…*…* Thanks For Visiting My Channel *…*…*…*…*…*…*...*…*…*…*
Ultra Summer | PrettyLittleThing PrettyLittleThing hidden sale page
We're getting ready for the weekend and more importantly...the summer season! This SS'14 brings about holographic hotness, white wonders and ultra summer fashion that packs a punch. Take a walk with into all the summer essentials you need for your killer new season wardrobe!
We're getting ready for the weekend and more importantly...the summer season! This SS'14 brings about holographic hotness, white wonders and ultra summer fashion that packs a punch. Take a walk with into all the summer essentials you need for your killer new season wardrobe!
La LookFantastic Box "LF Pamper" (Octobre 2016) Secret sale page at Lookfantastic
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬♡❤️♡▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✨✨✨✨✨ Racontage de Life / Infos utiles ✨✨✨✨✨ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬♡❤️♡▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Bonjour ami du mardi :-) Aujourd'hui, on parle de la Look Fantastic Box.... Comme depuis pas mal de mois, je reste mitigée... 😞 À tout de suite ❤️ ♡ Restons connectés ♡ 🌹Ma chaine secondaire : 🌹Ma page Facebook : 🌹 Instagram : 🌹 Snapchat : chez-jenny 🌹 Twitter : 🌹 Pinterest : ✉️ Mail : • (pro uniquement). • pour les copinettes 😊 ❤️ Prenez soin de vous, prenez soin de vos proches, dîtes aux gens combien vous les aimez, balancez de l'amour de partout, on en a jamais assez ❤️ #PrayForTheWorld #PrayForHumanity #EnjoyYourLife ♡ Et puis, le mot de la fin sera que je suis extrêmement émue de vos petits mots, de votre soutien, de ces petites intentions qui font que sans vous, nous ne ferions pas grand chose, alors : MERCI... ♡ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ★ ┊ ┊ ☆ ┊ ★ ☆
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬♡❤️♡▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✨✨✨✨✨ Racontage de Life / Infos utiles ✨✨✨✨✨ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬♡❤️♡▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Bonjour ami du mardi :-) Aujourd'hui, on parle de la Look Fantastic Box.... Comme depuis pas mal de mois, je reste mitigée... 😞 À tout de suite ❤️ ♡ Restons connectés ♡ 🌹Ma chaine secondaire : 🌹Ma page Facebook : 🌹 Instagram : 🌹 Snapchat : chez-jenny 🌹 Twitter : 🌹 Pinterest : ✉️ Mail : • (pro uniquement). • pour les copinettes 😊 ❤️ Prenez soin de vous, prenez soin de vos proches, dîtes aux gens combien vous les aimez, balancez de l'amour de partout, on en a jamais assez ❤️ #PrayForTheWorld #PrayForHumanity #EnjoyYourLife ♡ Et puis, le mot de la fin sera que je suis extrêmement émue de vos petits mots, de votre soutien, de ces petites intentions qui font que sans vous, nous ne ferions pas grand chose, alors : MERCI... ♡ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ★ ┊ ┊ ☆ ┊ ★ ☆
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